Monday, May 9, 2011

Peruvian Potatoes

Open air market in Pisac
Large variety of potatoes can be seen on display on left above fruits

Potatoes are a classic Peruvian dish.  The Inca cultivated an extensive array of potatoes and used raised bed terraces on the sides of their fortresses to maximize crop yield. The Spanish conquistadors brought potatoes back to Europe with them when they returned from the Conquest.  In the open air Peruvian markets there are literally hundreds of types of potatoes in all shapes and colors  -- far more of an array than is ever seen in the United States, even at Farmer's Markets.

A favorite Peruvian potato recipe is Papa a la Huancaina, which is basically potatoes in a spicy cheese sauce.  This dish is served cold, and is typically used as an appetizer or a luncheon dish.  The recipe can be found at the following link:

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